Learning & development

The Learning & development application digitalizes the process from the identification of training needs to the assessment of actions implemented, including catalog management, budget monitoring of the execution of the plan, etc.

Why choose the Learning & development application?

  • Definition & planning of an annual learning program
  • Management of learning organizations
  • Management of training actions
  • Follow-up of the planned training plan vs realized
  • Learning evaluation & planification

Why and how to develop an annual learning program?


A Learning & develoment application in your HRMS saves you time in the learning process. Program planning to define training priorities by population through the management of training actions. The Crosstalent application allows you to dematerialize your training program.

Thanks to its various functionalities, the application makes it possible to realize everything through its platform. It includes a management of learning catalogs accessible to employees, a follow-up of the training plan and training evaluation forms.

Main features

Definition and planning of an annual learning program

  • Definition of training priorities by population, industry, etc.
  • Planning of training actions
  • Consolidation of training needs from different sources
  • Establishment of a training plan budget (teaching costs, salaries, costs)

Management of training catalogs

  • Training repositories (domains, modules, locations, etc.)
  • Publication on the Collaborative Portal

Management of training actions (individual and collective)

  • Planning of collective sessions
  • Registration process
  • Convocation to sessions, notifications, etc.
  • Management of training logistics
  • Participant Management

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